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Can’t Sleep? Here’s How Music Can Help!

Music is incredibly powerful, and it has always been thought of and used as a therapeutic tool. It can change the way we perceive the world and transform our own emotions and feelings.

Some people listen to music to feel better when depressed; others simply like to dance to it. But if there’s one thing music has helped a lot of people with at some point in their lives—it’s sleep.

Music is known to help many people fall asleep, and it also improves sleep quality.

Here’s everything you need to know about it.

How Does Music Affect Sleep?

The connection between deep, peaceful slumber and music goes back to our infancy. Think of all the lullabies sung to help babies sleep—they’re also sometimes a part of sleep toys and cradles.

This is because, over the years, there has been a lot of research that shows how music affects the brain and the body positively and triggers physical effects that help it relax. Here are some ways in which music helps you sleep better:

  • The stress hormone, i.e., cortisol, is reduced—this helps you feel less alert or stressed and more relaxed, leading to better sleep quality;

  • Music helps release dopamine—this is the body’s happy hormone, and it can boost good feelings while addressing pain that may be keeping you from falling asleep;

  • Music also calms several parts of the autonomic nervous system, which leads to slower breathing, reduced blood pressure levels, and a lower heart rate—all excellent for better sleep quality;

  • Music is the perfect distraction from anxious thoughts and worries—this helps people with insomnia;

  • Music can drown out distractions like external noise and other disturbing sounds, helping your mind relax and sleep better.

What Should You Listen To, To Sleep Better?

The short answer is that there is no short answer to this question. A lot of research looks at different genres and songs to see which would work best as a sleep aid; however, there isn’t a clear-cut consensus.

But that being said, we have some idea of where you can start. In general, you’re most likely to be affected positively by music if it’s in line with your personal preference. So, a self-curated playlist of songs is an excellent place to start. Also, keep the following factors in mind:

  • Make sure the tempo is slow—60 to 80 beats per minute

  • Keep the volume low

  • Make sure changes, and other transitions are minimal and slow

  • Overall, the sound should be smooth—think soft jazz or country

Tip for Making Music A Part of Your Bedtime Routine

Good quality sleep is all about having a proper routine. This means if you’re using music to help you sleep, it needs to be a consistent part of your evening routine. Here are some tips that may help.

·Create a sleep playlist—this may take a while as you experiment and find the best genres and songs to help you sleep. Keep updating your list and eliminate songs that aren’t helping.

·Make listening to music a daily habit before bed—sort of like a skin-care routine that you never miss.

·Avoid songs that make you feel emotional—strong emotions will contribute to poor sleep quality.

·Instead of using headphones, use speakers or a small stereo close to the bed, keeping the volume low.

Also, if you can’t find music to help you sleep, you can check out our free organ solo sheet music and organ music albums.

We provide music distribution services for aspiring musicians, but you’ll also find an amazing collection of excellent compositions from new artists on our website—check it out!

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